Monday, October 11, 2010

The Bubble Lab

Introduction: This bubble lab is a fun way to see how salt and sugar affect bubble production. This lab compares how different substances effect the way we can blow bubbles and the results will be very interesting!

3 plastic drinking cups
Liquid dish detergent
Measuring cup and spoons
Table sugar
Table salt
Drinking straw

1. Label three drinking cups 1,2, and 3. Measure and add one  teaspoon of liquid dish detergent to each cup. Use the measuring cup to add 2/3 of a cup of water to each drinking cup. Then swirl the cups to form a clear mixture.
2. Add half a teaspoon of table sugar to cup 2 and half a teaspoon of table salt to cup 3. Swirl each cup for each minute.
3. Dip the drinking straw into cup 1, remove it, and blow gently into the straw to make the largest bubble you can. Practice making bubbles until you feel you have reasonable control over your bubble production.
4. Repeat step three with the mixtures in cups 2 and 3.
Caution: Wipe any spills immediately to people can't slip and fall.

Cup 1 will blow normal, smaller bubbles because it has just the liquid dish detergent.
Cup 2 will be stronger, thus bigger because it has the sugar mixture.
Cup 3 will be stronger as well because salt is mixed in with the detergent.

It was easier to blow bubbles with the mixture in cup 2 because those bubbles held stronger; however, when it hit something it popped just as easy as the bubbles in cup 1. But, compared to cup 1, the mixture in cup 3 made it more difficult to blow a bubble.    
Sugar was a good substance to mix with the liquid dish detergent and produced large and strong bubbles.            
Salt didn't mix well with liquid dish detergent, it was much harder to blow bubbles and make them big.

If we were to go further with this experiment we would change the substances we put in the cups and see what worked the best with the liquid dish detergent. Such as, flour in cup 4, brown sugar in cup 5 and pepper in cup 6. We would then compare these mixtures with the cups we previously tested.

Our bubble beast! 

Iridescent Bubble


  1. I really appreciate your background. It encourages learning. :)
    Maybe try to put the headings closer to the paragraphs so we know what we are reading. :0) good conclusion paragraph!!!

  2. We liked your pictures very informative! What you could work on is in your introduction give more background information. Also in your Hypothesis you could be more specific. It would be helpful to know whats in each cup!!! :) Awesome Blog Diggity Dawg!!!!

  3. Yes, your background is pretty cool! I like the organization, and you guys had a very strong conclusion and results section. Way to be!

  4. Thanks for the tips! We will work on them.

  5. Very good information i learned a lot from your experiment!! Although you need more inserted about what you did during the experiment like more data added!

  6. positive: very confident introduction and conclusion.
    critisism: add more details into the structure of the blog and the expirament.

  7. I liked how you put your own little way of what you did and how you described everything but I would put more in your conclusion

  8. I liked how you had a lot of information that backed up the results.
    very good details.

    i wish that some of the pictures were a little bigger though

  9. nice background its easy to read, but you need to set up your paragraphs better.

  10. sweet bubble beast. set up your paragraphs better

  11. great first blog, more background information about bubbles, and relate your conclusions to your background info in the intro, use a data table to organize results, and you will have an A blog

  12. Nice Blog! I would just recommend making your blog have more information. But all in all, it looks really great!

  13. everything is very clear. need more info
